Brad Beam, EMS Battalion Chief and the city’s infectious disease control officer, receiving the vaccine on Saturday, Jan. 2, 2021.
Words and Image courtesy of the City of Williamsburg.
Williamsburg, VA – More than 90% of the Williamsburg Fire Department’s employees received
the first dose of the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine at Riverside Doctors’ Hospital.
Any WFD personnel or volunteers trained as an EMT or paramedic had the option to receive the
vaccination. Four volunteers and 41 employees opted in, all receiving the first round of the
vaccine in the past week. They will receive the second and final round in about four weeks.
Most of the city’s emergency medical workers received their vaccination at a clinic on Saturday,
Jan. 2, 2021, at Riverside Doctors’ Hospital as part of Phase 1A of the distribution plan
established by the Virginia Department of Health (VDH).
“This is an exciting time for our EMS personnel. These men and women have been on the front
lines for the past 43 weeks responding to medical calls while knowing they are at an increased
risk of encountering patients with COVID-19,” said Brad Beam, EMS Battalion Chief and the
City’s infectious disease control officer. “Having our EMS providers vaccinated helps ensure the
continuity of our operations and helps mitigate the virus’s spread.”
Riverside Health System is handling the COVID vaccinations for most of the EMTs and
paramedics on the Peninsula; VDH will handle the vaccinations for Hampton personnel.
The City is working with the Virginia Department of Health to prepare for the next phases of
distribution. Emergency management personnel have been meeting weekly with surrounding
jurisdictions to ensure a collaborative approach to community vaccinations.
Learn more about the COVID vaccine phase distribution at