Oct. 20, 2022, 5pm-9pm -- Shown on rotation every 20-30 minutes

Words and Images courtesy of Brittney S. Harris.
Hosted by
The NEON Festival 2022
Chrysler Museum of Art, Kaufman Theater
Official selection for the NEON Festival 2022. A first-time protester sharing her emotional experience
with being arrested and disrespected, 'Pedigree' is a short film about personal acceptance and recovery
from the inexplicit influences of racial hatred and violence.
Invoking the concept of ‘performance of resilience through narrative’, this artivism work provides insight
into cathartic resolution and engaging in civil dialogue beyond the headlines and
societal #hashtag culture.
The total running time is 8 minutes and 46 seconds. The film will be shown on rotation every 20 to 30
Following each showing, there will be a subsequent talkback reflection with Pedigree’s creator Brittney
S. Harris.
This event is free and open to the public.
Social Media
Facebook- https://fb.me/e/264Od4Ofi